
Rachel Button Truck

Button’s EP Part One

17TH JUNE 2015 by Rachel Button

For the past 2 weeks I’ve been making my second EP with Producer Bobby Holland at Pentavarit Studios in Nashville, T.N. 

It really has been such a pinnacle moment to be in the studio hearing my songs come to life, I’m really excited to put it out as a representation of me now right now. Here’s my diary of events so far…


Day 1: Tracking Day

I had the privilege of having great nashville players on my record, Todd Lombardo (acoustic guitar), Jackson Eppley (Bass), Justin Ostranger (Electric Guitar), Tim Grogan (drums) and David Dorn (keys), these guys added the groove and sparkle to each song, together with Bobby’s and my direction, their interpretation of the songs is what I heard in my head. It’s really amazing how simple bare bones guitar/piano demos can blossom into full sounding tracks in one day. 

Day 2: Making Beats

Producer Bobby, Engineer Mitch and I had a day of creating extra layers and sparkles to the main tracks from the day before. Bobby had a great idea of making a loop from odds and ends we found around the studio e.g. Pens and music stands, using a timpani beater on a tabla drum etc, he also layered on vintage synthesizer keyboards. 


Day 3: Unexpected News

On this day I found out my Aunty Essie had passed away the night before in England. It was one of those moments where I knew she was in a better place now but emotionally I found it hard to process. I was so frustrated and upset that I was so far away from my family. It’s moments like this that I was reminded of how our time on earth is special and we need to make it count. 

My Aunty had bipolar and was on medication for many years, despite her illness, she had a great sense of humour and always loved a good sing song and a good tea party.

Day 3 at the studio, there I was thinking I was fine to record fiddle but there I was blinking back the tears as soon as I heard the first chord progression of ‘Ruins’. We didn’t get much done that day but I did have a sense that if this record encourages one person to keep hopeful, I will be one happy bunny. 

“Where words fail, music speaks”

– Hans Christian Andersen

Stay Tuned for Part Two…

Much Love! 

Rachel :) 


  • Reply

    Rsoe Mackie

    20th August 2015 at 10:00 pm

    so sorry to hear of the loss of your Aunt Essie I am sure her Memory’s will live on forever etched in your mind I am sure u will write a song about her Holding on was very good

  • Reply

    cheap ray bans

    25th September 2015 at 10:31 am

    Hi, just wanted to tell you, I enjoyed this post. It was inspiring.Keep on posting!

    • Reply

      Rachel Button

      20th December 2015 at 5:08 am

      Many Thanks for the encouragement and kind words! :)

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